



Lοuis Grand Hotel, Glyfada, Corfu

Renovation and Upgrading of Louis Grand Hotel Glyfada Hotel in 5-star with 440 Beds Architectural Design: Makridis Associates


Hotel, Ag. Nikolaos Crete

Repairs, reinforcements, modification of facades and change of interior layouts with the addition of swimming pools, underground engine rooms and tanks in an existing hotel in Ag. Nikolaos,


Restoration of a preservable building, Thessaloniki

Study for the restoration of a preservable building on Gorgous Street, Thessaloniki


D.E.I. Ag. Dimitrios power plant, Kozani

Μελέτη αποκατάστασης των βλαβών δομικών στοιχείων οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος των μηχανοστασίων των μονάδων Ι & ΙΙ , Εγκαταστάσεις ΑΗΣ ΔΕΗ Αγ. Δημητρίου


Archaeological Museum of Paleopolis, Samothrace

Repair - improvement of the building infrastructure of the Archaeological Museum of Samothrace in Paleopolis of Samothrace


H. M. Panteleimonos, Mount Athos

Repair - Restoration of I. N. Ag. Panteleimon in the Old Monastery of the Holy Monastery of Ag. Panteleimon, Mount Athos


Allatini Mills, Thessaloniki

Reconstruction of Allatini mill complex on G. Papandreou Street, Thessaloniki


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